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[Note: this letter was attached to the first experimental copies of the Q-C Test, July 1997.]



Dear Student of Cosmic Affairs:

It appears that the time may be right for a test to distinguish more or less conventional and evolutionary scientists and scholars from what, for lack of better, can be called quantavolutionary scientists and scholars.

I have accordingly devised a test in two parts of 15 items each, to determine the relative position of a person in regard to these two paradigms. Your apparent interest in 'C'& 'Q' sugests that your self-analysis would be most helpful in observing trends in science.

I would be much obliged if you would take a few minutes to circle the 30 items of the C-Q Test and remand it to me by e-mail, or otherwise. Although it would be wonderful to obtain a number of individualized replies to publish on

I shall withhold your identity if you say so, and merely incorporate the results in the statistical analysis.

In either event, I would welcome your comments. I shall be improving the test and perhaps merging the two parts with several additional "placebo" items before being done with it. Ought I to proceed with a public discussion of the test and its cumulative findings?

Sincerely, Alfred de Grazia

Mail: Aldegrazia@ aol. com
P. O. BOX 1213,
Princeton, NJ 08542,


To gauge agreement of individuals with the Paradigm of Conventional Science

Based on Fifteeen Primary Propositions of Conventional Science respecting natural and human history, and the degree of adherence of an individual to them.


There follow fifteen statements of major theses, principles, or propositions of Conventional Science, each one of which is preceded by a short name. Please react to each principle by scoring it from one (1) for firm disagreement to (5) for firm agreement. Draw a circle around the number or check your answer. Use number three (3) when you are without any belief or knowledge or commitment one way or another regarding the statement.

Thus, for instance, a score of 15 for the test means that you disagree totally with the principles of Conventional Science. A score of 75 means that you are in full agreement with the principles of the version of Conventional Science expressed here. Actually, you would most likely be termed fully Conventional only if you agreed with all fifteen of the propositions.

There is no time limit for completing the test, of course. Please answer every statement. When finished, add up and insert your total score where indicated.

Fifteen Propositions

1. Gradualism.
The world has changed almost entirely by small-scale, incremental transactions of small or large scope from earliest to present times.

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2. Independent Effects.
Changes in one field of scientific observation normally are weakly discernible in other areas and transfer into them slowly.

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3. Terrestrial Isolation.
From earliest times, Earth has developed its physical and vital forms from internal sources of materials and energy.

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4. Gravitational Accumulations.
The solar system originated in gravitational condensations from a gigantic dust cloud surrounding a young Sun.

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5. Elaborative Polymorphism.
Great variations of all inorganic and organic forms occurred by lawful, regular processes of nature.

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6. Lunar Capture.
The Moon formed during the condensation of gases and dust that originated the solar system and came within the gravitational grasp of the Earth.

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7. Perennial Geological Flux.
In due course, the Earth's surface has been altered by the gradual limited and calculable play of natural forces: waters, winds, pressures, and heat.

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8. Uniformitarianism.
Inorganic and organic nature have transmuted, with minor exceptions, at low, uniform rates for all of Earth history.

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9. Evolution.
The present species of life have unexceptionally developed from ever earlier forms that themselves originated by environmental adaptation in isolation and occasional successive chemical mutations.

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10. Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
In the course of evolution, natural selection, working at every vital level, eventuated in a being of high intelligence, capable of deliberate, rational decisions.

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11. Increasing Consciousness and Self-awareness.
Gradually humans developed a sense of history that let them order their lives presently and for their future, and learned to exercise advanced faculties for pleasure.

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12. Cultural and Institutional Invention.
Bit by bit, cultural traits were evolved in all of the various aspects of life, and could be placed ever higher upon a ladder of complexity and utility.

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13. Religious Sophistication.
From primitive fear and ignorance, gods were imagined, and afforded sacrifices, but eventually higher religions, with a benign, single god and simple rites, prevailed.

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14. Macrochronism.
The evolution of the solar system, Earth, and life forms, took up about five billion years, of which the last several million were required to produce human beings with their advanced societies.

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15. Cross-validation of Time and Events.
Dozens of distinct measures and correlations have mutually supported macrochronism and, with evolution theory, have proven the singular correctness of the historical path of science.

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To gauge agreement of individuals with the Paradigm of Quantavolution

Based on fifteen key propositions of quantavolution, and the degree of adherence of a person to them.


There follow fifteen statements of major theses, principles, or propositions of Quantavolution, each one of which is preceded by a short name. Please react to each principle by scoring it from one (1) for firm disagreement to (5) for firm agreement. Draw a circle around the number or check your answer. Use number three (3) when you are without any belief or knowledge or commitment one way or another regarding the statement.

Thus, for instance, a score of 15 for the test means that you disagree totally with the principles of Quantavolution. A score of 75 means that you are in full agreement with the principles of the version of Quantavolution expressed here. Actually, you would most likely be termed a quantavolutionary even if you agreed with one or two of the propositions.

There is no time limit for completing the test, of course. Please answer every statement. When finished, add up and insert your total score where indicated.

Fifteen Propositions

1. Quantavolution.
The world has changed mostly by large-scale and abrupt jumps or saltations or quantavolutions from earliest to present times.

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2. Holospherics.
Every quantavolution was holospheric such that, what became in late times human morals and science, were affected in their every branch by its remnant evidence and its contemporary effects.

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3. Exoterrestrial Genesis.
The ultimate source of quantavolutions has been exoterrestrial.

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4. Solaria Binaria.
The solar system originated and developed to this day as an often violent process of transactions between the Sun and a solar-exploded body.

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5. Poly-episodic Catastrophes.
Quantavolutions (usually referred to pejoratively as catastrophes) have been experienced on sundry occasions and have been unequal in intensity.

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6. Lunar Explosions with Global Fracture.
The explosion of Moon from Earth, and the global fracture accompanying it, produced the present basic volume and morphology of Earth.

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7. Disturbed Geological Columns.
Every geological column on Earth is ideosyncratically disturbed.

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8.Exponential Apocalypses.
Every quantavolution has taken the form of an exponential catastrophic curve with a sharp ascent and a negatively exponential descent, tailing off toward uniform change.

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9. Species Mass Changes and Extinction.
Extant species have simultaneously on occcasion been drastically reduced in numbers and type or extinguished while new species were being generated and old ones modified by holistic mutated gene leadership.

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10. Schizoid Humanization.
During a quantavolution, Homo Sapiens originated in a sudden gestalt as a schizoid species controlling multiple selves, and preferably to be called Homo Sapiens Schizotypicalis.

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11. Mass Amnesia and Sublimation.
Primeval Homo Sapiens experienced a traumatic suppression of memory and acquired a sublimatory psychological complex.

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12. Cultural Hologenesis.
Homo Sapiens promptly developed a poly-faceted language and full-function culture.

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13. Divine Succession.
Originally gods were idealized by the human mind, and their basic traits and functions proceeded through all successive major gods and families of gods.

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14. Microchronism.
Quantavolutions, since the solar nova that instituted the solar system, occupied brief periods of time, while intervals between them were also brief, measureable in thousands up to a million years.

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15. Consonant Paradigmatics.
Despite a much greater stress upon electromagnetic forces in all natural and vital events, the experiences (including experiments) and logic employed in constructing and proving the quantavolution paradigm are homologous with those of the conventional paradigm of scientific method.

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