K0........................1 (0.000%)
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300 thousand at the top, using K40-A40. 62183 HOMO SCHIZO I: - - Chapter 2: HOMINIDS IN HOLOGENESIS : OLDUVAI GORGE
 KA........................233 (0.029%)
Jurassic Period Justin, the historian K Ka Kadesh Kadmus Kafer-Djarra, 3594 QUANTAVOLUTION AND CATASTROPHE: PART 5: The Scope of Quantavolution - - -
into a corner of the Kaaba (Ka'bah) in Mecca (Abdul-Rauf, 54503 SOLARIA-BINARIA: PART 2: DESTRUCTION OF THE SOLAR BINARY: Chapter 11: ASTROBLEMES OF THE EARTH -
End of The Burning of Troy KA A Handbook of Mythology, 112330 KA: - - - TITLE-PAGE -
all the field," and for Susan KA A Handbook of Mythology, 112375 KA: - - - TABLE OF CONTENTS -
Chapter 12: MYSTERY RELIGIONS Chapter 13: 'KA', 112404 KA: - - - TABLE OF CONTENTS -
Greece, Italy, the ancient Mediterranean region. KA by H. 112493 KA: - - - INTRODUCTION -
A reading of the chapter on "Ka" will let one understand what is meant here. 112564 KA: - - - INTRODUCTION -
too, why the short title of "Ka" is given the book: 112565 KA: - - - INTRODUCTION -
Alfred de Grazia Princeton, New Jersey KA by H. 112589 KA: - - Chapter 1: AUGURY -
I: 47 22. Ibid. I: 50 KA by H. 113277 KA: - - Chapter 2: THE ELECTRIC ORACLES -
Georgic IV 149 11. Ibid. 219 KA by H. 113571 KA: - - Chapter 3: DIONYSUS -
994 5. Vergil: 'Aeneid' III: 525 KA by H. 113860 KA: - - Chapter 4: AMBER, ARK, AND EL -
Pliny: 'Natural History' XXXVII: 2: 33 KA by H. 114156 KA: - - Chapter 5: DEITIES OF DELPHI -
IX: 219 9. Herodotus: I; 195 KA by H. 114635 KA: - - Chapter 6: SKY LINKS -
13-17 95 a. 96 follow. KA by H. 115064 KA: - - Chapter 7: SACRIFICE -
Testament I Kings XVIII: 25 ff. KA by H. 115363 KA: - - Chapter 8: SKY AND STAGE -
G. 77 2. Plato: 'Iom. 533d. KA by H. 115731 KA: - - Chapter 9: TRIPOD CAULDRONS -
V: 87 3. Aeschylus: 'Supplices' 370ff. KA by H. 115910 KA: - - Chapter 10: THE EVIDENCE FROM PLUTARCH -
by warmth or some other force. KA by H. 116112 KA: - - Chapter 11: THE PRESOCRATIC PHILOSOPHERS -
Gryneion linen breastplates were on show. KA by H. 116336 KA: - - Chapter 12: MYSTERY RELIGIONS -
Kabeiroi; Greek 'doulos' slave. Servants of Ka? 116468 KA: - - Chapter 12: MYSTERY RELIGIONS -
heaven. Compare the Greek 'hugros', wet. KA by H. 116927 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
KA by H. Crosthwaite CHAPTER THIRTEEN 'KA', 116934 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
important words in Latin and Greek. 'Ka' is a man's double, 116955 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
that caduceus is caducens, leading the Ka. 116957 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
in Greek means 'escaping notice'. Is 'Ka' hidden in the basket? 116965 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
16. Etruscan katec, head, may be ka tego, 116968 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
words which are likely to contain ka in the Phoenician and Hebrew. 116981 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
ark are in danger from the ka or electrical charge that it may carry. 116988 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
that it may carry. The sound ka, 116990 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
Hebrew Kadosh suggests a combination of ka, 116995 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
an eye, or radiation source, of ka. 116996 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
which may be a source of ka (puteus is a well), 117009 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
be one who takes or catches ka. 117012 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
it is a tower for obtaining ka. 117016 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
with Etruscan ar, electrical fire, and ka. 117018 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
have significant parallels in the Egyptian ka, 117046 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC -
STATUES AND MUMMIES A man's ka and character could be transferred to an image or statue of a man. 117061 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
ars, skill, or art. Was the ka some kind of electrical light or halo surrounding the head?117067 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
of worship. I suggest that the ka was a visible halo which gave the effect of a magnified figure, 117088 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
rapid motion. The idea that the ka was a kind of halo enlarging and lighting the outline of a god or king may throw light on the practice of embalming. 117106 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
assist resurrection. Osiris was the 'holy ka'. 117109 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
tombs in order to keep the ka in the tomb, 117109 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
and libations were made to the ka of Osiris. 117110 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
magic, spoke, it was the spirit (ka) of magic, 117150 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : STATUES AND MUMMIES
neter, god, divine. Notes (Chapter Thirteen: 'KA" and Egyptian magic) 1. 117360 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : Notes (Chapter Thirteen: 'KA" and Egyptian magic)
Perhaps 'kreas, ' is another instance of 'ka', 117390 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : Notes (Chapter Thirteen: 'KA" and Egyptian magic)
and creation is a flow of ka. 117390 KA: - - Chapter 13: 'KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC : Notes (Chapter Thirteen: 'KA" and Egyptian magic)
re the priests' language at Delphi. KA by H. 117406 KA: - - Chapter 14: BOLTS FROM THE BLUE -
many brave men down to Hades. KA by H. 117607 KA: - - Chapter 15: LOOKING LIKE A GOD -
of references to flashing bronze armour. KA by H. 117812 KA: - - Chapter 16: HERAKLES AND HEROES -
by M. Ibrahim and D. Rohl. KA by H. 118036 KA: - - Chapter 17: BYWAYS OF ELECTRICITY -
the consul Marius. (Achilleid 1: 612) KA by H. 118223 KA: - - Chapter 18: ROME AND THE ETRUSCANS -
be an instance of the Egyptian 'ka' plus 'remus', 118685 KA: - - Chapter 18: ROME AND THE ETRUSCANS : PANTOMIME
divine force such as the Egyptian ka. 118769 KA: - - Chapter 18: ROME AND THE ETRUSCANS : Notes (Chapter Eighteen: Rome and the Etruscans)
Pythia'. Her father was a priest. KA by H. 118796 KA: - - Chapter 19: THE TIMAEUS -
eye; Greek anthos flower. I suggest ka and anthos for kanthos. 118923 KA: - - Chapter 19: THE TIMAEUS -
style of beard, chabes, flame of ka. 118926 KA: - - Chapter 19: THE TIMAEUS -
Set' and 'ara', Set's fire? KA by H. 119019 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION -
Artaei. (Herodotus VII). A link with ka and ar seems likely. 119071 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION -
that this is an example of ka, 119086 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION -
Kapnos, Greek for smoke, is possibly ka, 119095 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION -
Osiris, thereby transferring to it his ka. 119195 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION : SANCTIFICATION
resurrection." When we recall the word 'ka', 119232 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION : SANCTIFICATION
liver, may be another instance of ka. 119321 KA: - - Chapter 20: SANCTIFICATION AND RESURRECTION : Notes (Chapter Twenty: Sanctification and Resurrection)
future. The Slavonic 'par' means steam'. KA by H. 119339 KA: - - Chapter 21: THE DEATH OF KINGS -
with 'ar', 'ara', fire, and possibly 'ka'. 119652 KA: - - Chapter 21: THE DEATH OF KINGS : Notes (Chapter Twenty-One: The Death of Kings)
or craft, and Egyptian 'techen', obelisk. KA by H. 119673 KA: - - Chapter 22: LIVING WITH ELECTRICITY -
resistant to radiation'. Greek meno 'withstand', ka radiation. 119901 KA: - - Chapter 22: LIVING WITH ELECTRICITY : DRESS AND COSMETICS
another example of 'el'; or caepa (ka?), 119974 KA: - - Chapter 22: LIVING WITH ELECTRICITY : FOOD AND DRINK
ancient languages have the sounds of ka, 120326 KA: - - Chapter 22: LIVING WITH ELECTRICITY : WRITING
a thunderbolt and hurled into Tartarus. KA by H. 120389 KA: - - - APPENDIX A -
met the Egyptian concept of the ka, 120399 KA: - - - APPENDIX A -
the electrical force, or god. The ka may help us to a greater understanding of the terminology employed at Greek oracles.120400 KA: - - - APPENDIX A -
priest's answer to inquirers was "Ka rhei.." ( 120416 KA: - - - APPENDIX A -
rhei.." (becoming "chre.."), "The God says.." KA by H. 120434 KA: - - - APPENDIX B: READING BACKWARDS
point, peak, which contains the Egyptian ka and ra, 120512 KA: - - - APPENDIX B: READING BACKWARDS
marry far-removed dates and events. KA by H. 120567 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Heb. aron. Cf. ar, fire, and ka. 120655 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
nachush. burn Gk. kaio; cf Eg. ka; 120708 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Lat. incendo, uro, ardeo. bull Eg. ka; 120710 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
heavens in astrology. Damascus Dim ash ka. 120741 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
ka. Slav. dim, smoke; ash, fire; ka (from Egyptian). 120741 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
rock. Gk. selas light. double Eg. ka; 120764 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
fate It is fated, Gk. chre, ka rhei ka speaks. 120802 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
is fated, Gk. chre, ka rhei ka speaks. 120802 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Lat. caput; Eg. khu, radiance, and ka. 120849 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
helper. Lat. caper, goat; cf. Eg. ka, 120854 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Karatepe; Gk. kara, kare; Etr. katec. Ka tego, 120880 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Gk. dike; cf. Heb. tsadiq, just. ka Eg., 120934 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
qadhosh, holy; Lat. cacumen peak, point; ka culmen, 120934 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
culmen, top. Cf. columen; -cello, strike. ka also bull. 120935 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
bull. Cf. Lat. caverna, a cave. Ka-dingir-ra Babylon. 120937 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Babylonia. kerukeion The staff of Hermes; ka eruko. 120939 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
cf. Eg. harachte. smoke Gk. kapnos, ka, 121177 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
Gk. Seiren, Siren. soul Ba, khu, ka, 121181 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
in an ancient prayer. End of KA A FIRE NOT BLOWN: 121295 KA: - - - GLOSSARY -
put forward in my previous book Ka. 121424 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - - PREFACE -
The name of the book was KA. 121477 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - - INTRODUCTION -
certainly reminding one of the endemic ka, 121581 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - - INTRODUCTION -
endemic ka, and the Greek ku (ka) and airo, 121581 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - - INTRODUCTION -
airo, to raise), hence Araising the ka. 121582 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - - INTRODUCTION -
Katreus, a monarch whose name means "ka watcher", 121793 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 02: CRETE -
Egyptian priest-electricians used the term 'ka' for the aura round a person. 121821 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
and Latin caput, head source of ka. 121823 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
the successor of Minos, may have ka as a significant component. 121844 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
and that King Katreus was the ka-watcher. 121860 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
interpretation of the name Katreus as ka-watcher accords with the visits of monarchs to mountain shrines, 121878 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
shrines, with Egyptian theory about the ka a word which can also mean 'bull', 121879 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
A goat, Latin caper, is a ka- container; 121895 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 03: KATREUS -
the name Velchanos has the Egyptian ka as a component. 121979 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 04: ZEUS -
life. The name Kamares may have ka and ar as components. 122006 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 04: ZEUS -
The Latin caper, goat, may be 'ka container'; 122016 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 04: ZEUS -
may be related to the Egyptian ka. 122094 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 05: DIONYSUS -
Hebrew, the spear is qayin, the ka eye. 122189 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 06: ARIADNE -
358 B. It is probable that ka is present in the Greek keleo. 122221 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 06: ARIADNE -
The Latin cauda, tail, sounds like ka and uthi, 122423 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 07: THE LABYRINTH AND AXE -
sounds like ka and uthi, where ka dwells. 122423 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 07: THE LABYRINTH AND AXE -
The kion, column of coloured light ka travelling, 122430 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 07: THE LABYRINTH AND AXE -
into a hoopoe, and Katreus the ka watcher. 122486 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 08: THE BULL -
any giants left. The hint of ka in the place names Gaza and Gath, 122641 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 09: NAXOS -
Palestine. Perhaps the name Gath is ka and at, ' 122651 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 09: NAXOS -
is ka and at, 'power of ka', 122651 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 09: NAXOS -
and at, 'power of ka', or 'ka as source'. 122652 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 09: NAXOS -
marshalling souls with his kerukeion, his ka- controller, 122950 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 11: CHANGING INTERPRETATIONS -
to by the general Semitic term ka. 123228 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
Pyr, or pur, Greek, ar Etruscan, ka Egyptian, 123232 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
dish, and may conceal the Egyptian ka, 123336 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
of the people. He may be ka ensis, 123359 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
be ka ensis, the sword of ka. 123359 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
ka ensis, the sword of ka. Ka suggests the Greek kaio, 123359 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
the commonest symbols of divine fire. Ka Ar was often equated with ka. 123370 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
Ka Ar was often equated with ka. 123372 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
god descending from the sky, the ka was associated with the individual human being, 123372 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
same force; the terms ar and ka could be used indifferently. 123375 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
necessity, is spelt anagke. The word ka, 123379 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
above'; ananke would thus be the ka above. 123381 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
than those on earth. Ar and ka both appear in the Latin arca, 123384 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
the deity was referred to as ka. 123389 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
Greek kaio, burn, Latin incendo in-ka-do, 123390 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
do, I give the presence of ka. 123390 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
who resembled Dionysus, was the holy ka who rose from the chest or ark. 123392 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
ark would be made to sprout ka, 123396 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
kreas, flesh, is a flow of ka, 123401 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
have already met. Cain looks like ka in, 123410 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
looks like ka in, presence of ka. 123410 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
draw. Latin signum is a mark. Ka may just possibly be an element in the name Pergama, 123442 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
is a seer; Gara-may be ka and ar. 123447 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
opposed to laetor, outward rejoicing. Ga Ka. 123450 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
proud, haughty. It may mean 'great ka'; 123452 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
Alternatively, it might be compounded of ka and oura, 123453 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
the light is that of the ka. 123456 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
dead, those who are empty of ka, 123457 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
regarded as symbolising a flow of ka. 123460 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
Etruscan city of Clusium may be ka luo Greek, 123462 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
was a centre for releasing the ka from its prison in the ark or chest. 123463 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
is probably related to the Egyptian ka. 123469 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
identity of the ar and the ka as manifestations of electrical divinity. 123472 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
for the capturing and transporting of ka, 123477 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
exorcism. The Hebrew qadhosh, holy, sprouting ka, 123486 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
the Hebrew kavedh, liver. The Albanian ka is an ox. 123491 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
have detected a link between the ka and the anima, 123493 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
great, may mean full of the ka of El. 123504 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
of El. Egyptian meh full; ga ka. 123504 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
meh full; ga ka. El's ka would be the ka of the comet or body in the sky. 123504 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
El's ka would be the ka of the comet or body in the sky. 123505 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
were compared with the head and ka of a human being. 123506 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
ka of a human being. Ankh, ka and ku may appear in other Greek words for containers, 123508 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
tekton, carpenter and builder, may contain ka, 123512 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
kanoun, basket, was a thing containing ka, 123522 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
be hot, all contain the word ka. 123556 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
caves. Their name includes the syllable ka, 123569 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
tail. The Latin cauda, tail, is ka uthi, 123588 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
cauda, tail, is ka uthi, where ka dwells, 123588 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
the east: it is composed of ka and put. 123590 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
it may be a flame of ka. 123607 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 13: FIRE -
We have suggested that the Egyptian ka was an electrical aura or halo round a person, 123655 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 14: THE GODDESS GAIA -
greeting chaire! chairete! Hail! Raise the ka! 123657 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 14: THE GODDESS GAIA -
few moments. It seems possible that ka represents the same phenomenon as the Greek Ga, 123679 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 14: THE GODDESS GAIA -
probably came from above. I suggest ka and al. 123736 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 14: THE GODDESS GAIA -
letter k betrays the presence of ka. 123823 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 15: AWARA AND KNOSOS -
the word pyr, fire, and possibly ka as well. 123825 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 15: AWARA AND KNOSOS -
The word may mean 'doorway of ka', 123914 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
word may mean 'doorway of ka', ka thura. 123914 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
a goat thought of as a ka-container? 123955 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
with cio, 'set in motion', and ka may have been a component. 123979 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
be a link with ku, or ka, 123980 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
was to "raise the light of ka", 123981 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
imitate animals, some of which were ka-containers. 124055 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 16: THE DANCE -
quercus, shows that it was a ka-container. 124247 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 18: RITUALS -
quarters of a lightning strike, and ka probably sounded quite like the Hebrew qa of qadhosh, 124324 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 19: LIFE -
bringing to life of the holy ka, 124347 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 19: LIFE -
cepen may be an instance of ka. 124377 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 19: LIFE -
Crosthwaite Chapter 20 QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA A classical scholar glancing at the above heading may be surprised at the spelling. 124453 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
where there was a flow of ka, 124465 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
necessary', but its original meaning was 'ka flows', 124466 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
two words there are the Egyptian ka and khu. 124496 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
khu. Camera, a container, is a ka catcher; 124498 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
spirit soul of Osiris, or the ka of Osiris. 124504 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
oracle. Cf. Greek sema, sign, and ka. 124510 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
about, I am heard', may be ka and luo, 124515 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
ka and luo, I release the ka. 124515 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
by observation. They are presumably from ka and the Greek noeo, 124530 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
of observing and getting to know ka. 124533 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
earlier form cereo. A flow of ka? 124539 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
conductivity and encourage the flow of ka. 124550 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
able'. It could be composed of ka, 124555 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
setting in motion the light of ka'. 124556 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
probably a compound of Semitic words, ka and the Hebrew dabhar, 124596 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
city. Catena, Latin, chain, may be ka, 124636 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
held by magnetic force. Vide Crosthwaite, Ka, 124639 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 20: QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA -
much in common with the Egyptian ka. 124763 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 21: KINGS -
to Egyptian monarchs and the royal ka reveal the political importance of the priests.124764 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 21: KINGS -
transferring to the body his own ka. 124784 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 21: KINGS -
meaning of his name, which suggests ka and the Greek demas, 124912 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 22: SACRED BIRDS -
katec is that which covers the ka, 125328 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 25: RESURRECTION TECHNIQUES -
is a well or source of ka, 125329 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 25: RESURRECTION TECHNIQUES -
of the methods of raising the ka, 125359 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 25: RESURRECTION TECHNIQUES -
fire collector. Sanskrit aras means 'swift'. Ka: 125548 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
Greek kairos, success in raising the ka; 125550 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
ka; Latin caput, head, source of ka. 125551 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
were. belly The Greek gaster suggests ka, 125616 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
is arquus, fire of qu, or ka. 125625 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
katek, head, and Albanian katoc, suggest ka and Latin tego, 125642 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
skull was the cover for the ka, 125642 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
kanthos, corner of the eye, is ka and anthos, 125662 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
kreas. It may be 'flow of ka', 125676 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
thing, may be a flow of ka. 125804 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
thought of as a flow of ka, 125804 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
wizard Greek goetes. This might be ka and at, 125836 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -
Greek grapho is likely to be ka and rhapis, 125843 - A FIRE NOT BLOWN: - - Chapter 27: GLOSSARY -