Table of contents


the Introduction to Part Two


Again we meet the substitution of Kalotic for democratic to signal that the word "democracy" has numerous meanings, often opposed (e.g., the Chinese, Russian, and American claims to the term), and that kalos, kalotic, is the set of meanings of democracy pursued in this book.

In the circular diagram, we note the concept to mutual interaction: the arrows move in both directions.


ACHTUNG: What follow are fairly difficult tasks. Only the best students should be charged with them, especially at this point. Perhaps return to this point at the end of part Two for a review and criticism.


The "heart" stands for "principle"; the X stands for science (originally, psychology) or "Proposition"; and the Rx stands for prescription or, here, "policy."


The chart of twelve 3-P's can be read horizontally or vertically. If a student balks at any given P he or she should check on its horizontal brethren to see whether they clarify its suspected meaning. Here or elsewhere, students may be asked to take a proposition and deliberately apply it to kakotic (bad) ends by adding a kakotic principle and a kakotic policy.

They might also be asked to work out a new relevant kalotic policy from the principle and principles as stated.

Also: Are all the principles consistent with each other? Are all the policies consistent? The propositions need not be consistent, but it should be apparent that they all deal with the central facts of political life, stressing problems that tend to defeat the principles of good conduct.


Table of contents