Table of Contents


Supporting Art & Culture
by Alfred de Grazia

Pubishers Note

The dramatic growth of the arts in the United States in recent years has heightened the need for intelligent and wide-ranging discussion of our nation's cultural future. This unique volume by a distinguished Political theorist, author, educator, and practitioner of the arts (poetry and music) offers a basic tool for analysis as well as a method of raising awareness in cultural affairs.

Organized around the problem areas that "influentials" in the field of support policy must consider when making their decisions and/or recommendations SUPPORTING ART AND CULTURE deals with the fundamentals (the who, what where, when, and how) of public policy with respect to cultural activity. The 1001 questions in the book lay bare basic needs. probe into hidden motivations, and challenge "accepted" modes of thinking that quite evidently require totally new approaches. From a theoretical Perspective, the book develops tightly knit and clearly patterned inquiries into every major area of this vast region that is the meeting ground of government, the private sector, and culture and thus nothing less than civilization itself.

For solitary contemplation for personal and group discussion, for classwork, and for august conferences of corporate and government policy makers, SUPPORTING ART AND CULTURE provides an unprecedented guide to reflection, study, consultation, and action . Here indeed is required reading for anyone, layman or professional, involved in any phase of the complex relationship among politics, economics, and the arts. Charles Lieber

Publisher, Atherton Books

Publication data

Supporting Art & Culture


Alfred de Grazia



The author and the publisher express gratitude to the National Endowment for the Arts, the Ford Foundation, and Cultural Resources, Inc., for their support of, and contributions to, the production of the volume.

Copyright @ 1979 by Alfred de Grazia

Library of Congress Catalog Number 79-51271

ISBN 0-88311-913-7

Printed in the United Stated of America

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Address all inquiries to:

Lieber-Atherton, Incorporated

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New York, New York 10023


Table of Contents