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United World Nations Here and Now

The leaders of the world, impelled by intelligence and conscience, by the urgings of their peers and peoples, and by the alarming crises of shortages, empoisonment and violence, must now undertake the building of a world government, the sooner the better. By every token, there is less to fear from a deliberately drawn world order than from the continuation of the present world order. Nor is the method mysterious: there are no political, economic, social, ethnic, structural, legislative, technical, or military problems involved in the great proposed transformation other than those that people have already come to experience and understand.

Persons who actually prosper, or even believe that they are prospering, or imagine that they might prosper, by dealing in the general anarchy that festers under a panoply of missiles -- such people grow fewer in number. They ought no longer be let to prevail. The many who lack confidence and civil courage must be reassured. World Citizens everywhere, persons who acknowledge the growing threat to humanity, persons who accept the ideal of democratic representative and federal world union, together with its obligations of performance, increase in expectations and numbers day by day.

They do exist, these men and women of right mind, of strong wills, and of political competence, enthusiastic for a Union Party of the United Nations, a hundred thousand of them around the world, while similar thousands occupy strategic political positions in a score of nations. No more are needed, if no more there are, at the outset, and not many more afterwards, but then will come readily the several millions, to lever all the world of nations into a concerted realm of well-being. _________________


Professor Alfred de Grazia

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