Appendix Supplementary Readings (arranged «ccording to the several sections o f the book) HE BOOKS AND ARTICLES that are cited in this reading list have been chosen with three points in mind. The first is that there be provided in each section at least one general and comprehensive survey of the material dealt with in the section. The second aim is to suggest titles that would be suitable for additional reading and that lend themselves well to book reviews by students who are not advanced. The third is a consideration respecting the availability of books in most college libraries. Before listing the supplementary readings by section, however, it may be well to recall to the student a number of books, magazines, newspapers, and documents that contain current materials on American government or that tell him where to find such materials A. Sources o f current materials 1. The New York Times, published daily and Sunday, covers national government affairs scrupulously and well. It is also indexed by subject and name in a pamphlet that appears twice each month. At the end of each year these pamphlets are combined into a single annual index that appears several months after the end of the year. 2. The United States Government Organization Manual is published annually by the United States Government Printing Office. It comprises an inventory of the names, addresses, organization, and functions of all national agencies, at the beginning of the fiscal year. 3. The Book o f the States, published every two years by the Council o£ State Governments, 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago 37, Illinois, contains a great deal of comparative information about State governments, State-federal relations, and interstate relations. 4. The Statistical Abstract o f the United States, published annually by the United States Government Printing Office, is a valuable collection of all manner of statistics concerning the American economy, the people, and government operations . 5. The Statesman's Year-Book, published annually by The Macmillan Company, affords concise accounts o£ the organization, expenditures, press, and economics of the nations of the world. 6. Several encyclopedias publish annual supplements in the form o£ Yearbooks . One such work is the Encyclopedia Britannica Yearbook, which contains articles on many features o£ government . 7. The World Almanac, published each year by the New York World Telegram and Sun., and usually available in February, is one of the earliest published summaries o£ the events and the statistics of the previous year. 8. The Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences includes articles on such subjects as constitutionalism, representation, the state, capitalism, and federalism. 9. The Congressional Directory, published every March by the United States Government Printing Office, gives information about Congress and congressmen. 10. The Congressional Quarterly, a privately published weekly periodical, is the most compact and regular account and analysis of the work and personnel of Congress . At the end of each year the most important data in the weekly reports are published in the Congressional Quarterly Almanac. B. Sources o f titles (bibliographies) 1. Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature 2. Book Review Digest 3. International Index to Periodical Literature 4. Public Affairs Information Service 5. The American Political Science Review publishes a relatively complete bibliography of books and articles on American government and politics in each issue, which appears quarterly. I. THE ROOTS OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Adams, R. G., The Political Ideas of the American Revolution (1922) . Beals, Ralph, and Hoijer, Harry, Introduction to Anthropology (1953) . Beard, C. A., and M. R. Beard, The Rise o f American Civilization (1933) . Becker, Carl, The Declaration o f I ndependencu (1942 ) . Brant, Irving, James Madison: Father o f the Constitur,.iem, 1757-1800 (1941) . Commager, H. S. (ed. ), Documents of American History (1949) . de Grazia, Alfred, Elements o f Political Science (1952) . ----, Public and Republic (1951) . Farrand, Max, The Fathers of the Constitution (1921) . ----, The Framing of the Constitution (1936) . ----, The Records o f the Federal Convention (1937) . Haas, W. H.,The American Empire (1940). Jensen, Merrill, The Articles o f Confederation (1940) . Koppers, Wilhelm, "Primitive Man, State, and Society," Diogenes, 3 (Winter, 1954), 69-76. Lasswell, H. D.,Politics: Who Gets What, When, How (1936) . MacDonald, William (ed. ), Select Charters and Other Documents Illustrative of American History, 1606-1775 (1910) . McIlwain, C. H.,The American Revolution: A Constitutional Interpretation (1923) . McIver, Robert, The Web of Government (1947) . McLaughlin, A. C., "The Background of American Federalism," .American Political Science Review, 12 (1918), 215-40 . ----, "Social Compact and Constitutional Construction," American Historical Review, 5 (1900), 467-90. Mason, A. T., Free Government in the Making (1949 ) . Merriam,C. E., American Political Ideas (1929) . Michels, Roberto, First Lectures in Political Sociology (1949 ) . Rossiter, Clinton, Seedtime o f trie Republic (1953) . Schachner, Nathan, The Founding Fathers (1954) . Swisher, C. B.,American Constitutional Development (1954) . ----, The Growth o f Constitutional Power in the United States (1946) . Thorpe, F. N., The Federal and State Constitutions, Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws (1909) . Tocqueville, Alexis de, Democracy in America (several editions since 1836) . Van Doren, Carl, The Great Rehearsal: the Story o f the Making and Ratifying o f the Constitution of the United States (1948) . Van Tyne, C. H.,The Causes of the War of Independence (1922) . II. THE FEDERAL SYSTEM Benson, George, The New Centralization: A Study of Intergovernmental Relationships in the United States (1941) . Bowie, R. R., and others, Studies in Federalism (1945) . Christensen, A. N., and E. M. Kirkpatrick (eds. ), The People, Politics, and the Politician (1950) . Clark, J. P.,Rise o f a New Federalism (1938) . U.S. Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, Report to the President (1955) . Corwin, E. S., The Constitution and What It Means Today (1954 ) . ----, Constitutional Revolution (1941). Council of State Governments, Federal Grants-in-Aid (1949) . Dauer,M. J.,The Adams Federalists (1955) . Friedrich, C. J., Constitutional Government and Democracy (1950) . Graves, W. B.,American State Government (1953) . Haines, C. G., The Role of the Supreme Court in American Government and Politics, 1789-1835 (1944). Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay, The Federalist (many eds. ) . Holcombe, A. N., Our More Perfect Union, (1950) . Jensen, Merrill (ed. ), Regionalism in America (1951) . Latham, Earl (ed. ), The Declaration o f Independence and the Constitution (1949) . McBain, H. L., The Living Constitution (1928) . Merriam, C. E., The Written Constitution and the Unwritten Attitude (1931) . Musmanno, M. A., Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (1929) . Myers, D. P., The Process o f Constitutional Amendment (1941) . Orfield, L. B., The Amending o f the Federal Constitution (1942) . Read, Conyers ( ed. ), The Constitution Reconsidered (1938 ) . Swisher, C. B., American Constitutional Development (1954) . Weeare, K. C., Federal Government (1947) . White, L. D., The State and the Nation (1953) . III. THE PUBLIC Ashmore, H. S., The Negro and the Schools (1954) . Bailey, S. K., Congress makes a Law; The Story behind the Employment Act of 1946 (1950) . Becker, Carl, Freedom and Responsibility in the American Way o f Life (1945) . Becker, Carl, and others, Safeguarding Civil Liberty Today (1944) . Bentley, A. F.,The Process of Government (1949) . Berelson, Bernard, and Morris Janowitz (eds. ), Reader in Public Opinion and Communication (1953). Berelson, Bernard, P. F. Lazarsfeld, and W. N. McPhee, Voting: A Study o f Opinion Formation in a Presidential Campaign (1954) . Bishop, H. M., and Samuel Hendel (eds.),Basic Issues o f American Democracy (1951) . Blaisdell, D. C., Government under Pressure (1942) . Bose,H. A.,American Politics and the Party System (1955) . Burnham, James, The Web of Subversion (1954) . Carr, R. K.,Federal Protection o f Civil Rights: Quest for a Sword (1947) . ----, The House Committee on Un-American Activities, 1945-1950 (1952) . Chafee, Zechariah, Free Speech in the United States (1946) . ----, How Human Rights Got into the Constitution (1952) . Chase, Harold, Security and Liberty; 1947-1955 (1955) . Chase, Stuart, Democracy under Pressure: Special Interests versus the Public Welfare (1945) . Commager, H. S., Freedom, Loyalty, and Dissent (1954) . Commission on Freedom of the Press, A Free and Responsible Press : A General Report on Mass Communications (1947) . Cook, T. I., Democratic Rights versus Communist Activity (1954) . Corwin, E. S., Liberty against Government: The Rise, Flowering, and Decline of a Famous Judicial Concept (1948 ) . Crawford, K. G.,The Pressure Boys (1939). Dabney, Virginias,Dry Messiah: The Life o f Bishop Cannon (1949). Davis, Elmer, But We Were Born Free (1954) . Dewey, John, The Public and Its Problems (1927). Ebersole, Luke, Church Lobbying in the Nation's Capitol (1951) . Emerson, T. I., and D. Haber, Political and Civil Rights in the United States (1952) . Eysenek, H. J., The Psychology of Politics (1955) . Fraenkel, O. K., Our Civil Liberties (1944) . Garceau, Oliver, The Political Life o f the American Medical Association (1941) . Gosnell, H. F., Democracy: Threshold o f Freedom (1948) . Grodzins, Morton, Americans Betrayed (1949) . Hardin, C. M., The Politics o f Agriculture: Soil Conservation and the Struggle for Power in Rural America (1952) . Herring,E. P., The Politics o f Democracy (1940) . Irion, F. C., Public Opinion and Propaganda (1950). Katz, Daniel, and others ( eds. ), Public Opinion and Propaganda (1954 ) . Kesselman, L. C.,The Social Politics of FEPC (1948 ). Key, V. O., Jr., Politics, Parties, and Pressure Groups (1952) . Kile, O. M., The Farm Bureau through Three Decades (1948). Lasswell, H. D., National Security and Individual Freedom (1950 ) . Leonard, N. H.,Political Science and Political Goals (1955) . Lippmann, Walter, Public Opinion (1922) . Luthin, R. H.,American Demagogues: Twentieth Century (1954 ). McDonald, Neil, Public Opinion in the United States, 1954 (1955) . McKean, D. D.,Party and Pressure Politics (1949) . Meiklejohn, Alexander, Free Speech and Its Relations to Self-Government (1948 ) . Miller, J. C., Crisis in Freedom: The Alien and Sedition Acts (1951) . Myrdal, Gunnar, An American Dilemma (1944). Odegard, P. H., Pressure Politics: The Story o f the Anti-Saloon League (1928) . ----, and E. A. Helms, American Politics (1947). Ogle, M. B.,Public Opinion and Political Dynamics (1950) . Penniman, H. R.,Sait's American Parties and Elections (1952) . Porter, K. H., A History o f the Suffrage in the United States (1918) . Pritchett, C. H., Civil Liberties and the Vinson Court (1954) . Schattschneider, E. E., Politics, Pressures and the Tarif} (1935) . Seldes, George, One Thousand Americans (1948 ) . Smith,T. V., The Promise of American Politics (1936) . Truman, D. B.,The Governmental Process: Political Interests and Public Opinion (1951) . United States President's Commission on Immigration and Naturalization, Whom We Shall Welcome (1953) United States President's Committee on Civil Rights, To Secure These Rights (1947) . Williams, R. M., Jr., and M. W. Ryan (eds. ), Schools in Transition: Community Experiences in Desegregation (1954). Zeller, Belle, Pressure Politics in New York (1937) . IV. THE PARTY PROCESS Albright, S. D.,The American Ballot (1942) . Binkley, W. E.,American Political Parties: Their Natural History (1945). Burnham, W. D., Presidential Ballots, 1836-1892 (1955) . Charlesworth, J. C. (ed. ), "Meaning of the 1952 Presidential Election," The Annals, 283 (1952) . Christensen, A. N., and E. M. Kirkpatrick (eds.),The People, Politics, and the Politician (1950) . Cresap, D. R., Party Politics in the Golden State (1954). de Grazia, Alfred, The Western Public, 1952 and Beyond (1954) . David, P. T., Malcolm Moos, and R. M. Goldman (eds. ), Presidential Nominating Politics in 1952 (1954) . Farley, J. A., Behind the Ballots (1938). Flynn, E. J., You're the Boss (1947). Heard, Alexander, A Two-Party South? (1952) . Key, V. O., Jr ., Politics, Parties, and Pressure Groups (1952) . ----, Southern Politics in State and Nation (1949) . "Legislative Reapportionment," Law and Contemporary Problems, 17 (1952), no 2. Logan, E. B. (ed.),The American Political Scene (1938). Lubell, Samuel, The Future o f American Politics (1952) . McKean, D. D.,The Boss(1940) . ----, Party and Pressure Politics (1949 ) . Holey, Raymond, Twenty-Seven Masters of Politics (1949) . Moos, Malcolm, Politics, Presidents, and Coattails (1955) . Moscow, Warren, Politics in the Empire State (1948). Odegard, P. H., and E. A. Helms, American Politics (1947) . Overacker, Louise, Money in Elections (1932) . ----, Presidential Campaign Funds (1946) . Penniman, H. R., Sait's American Parties and Elections (1952). Riordan, W. L.,Plunkitt o f T amman.y Hall (with an introduction by R. V. Peel, 1948). Salter, J. T., Boss Rule (1935). ----, The Pattern of Politics (1940). ---- (ed. ), Public Men in and out o f Office (1946) . Schattschneider, E. E., Party Government (1942) . Taylor, L. R., Party Politics in the Age o f Caesar (1955) . Truman, D. B., The Governmental Process: Political Interest and Public Opinion (1951) . . V. THE PRESIDENCY Bell, H. C.F., Woodrow Wilson and the People(1945) . Binkley, W. E., The President and Congress (1947) . Brownlow, Louis, The President and the Presidency (1949) . Carman, H. J., and R. H. Luthin, Lincoln and the Patronage (1943) . Corwin, E. S., The President: Office and Powers (1948 ) . Herring, E. P.,Presidential Leadership(1940) . Hyman, Sidney, The American President (1954). Iekes, Harold, Secret Diary (1953) . Koenig,L. W.,The Presidency and the Crisis: Powers of the Office from the Invasion of Poland to Pearl Harbor (1944) . Laski, H. J.,The American Presidency (1940). Learned, H. B., The President's Cabinet (1912) . MacLean, J. C., President and Congress: The Conflict of Powers (1955) . Marz, Carl, Presidential Commissions (1944) . Milton, G. F.,The Use o f Presidential Power, 1789-1943 (1944). Morstein Marx, Fritz, The President and his Staff Services (1947). Nevins, Allan, Grover Cleveland: A Study in Courage (1934) . Patterson, C. P., Presidential Government in the United States: The Unwritten Constitution (1949) . Perkins, Frances, The Roosevelt I Knew (1946) . Pollard, J.E., The Presidents and the Press (1947) . Pringle, H. F.,The Life and Times o f William Howard T a f t (1939). ----, Theodore Roosevelt (1931) . Rankin, R. S.,The Presidency in Transition (1949 ) . Rich, B. M.,The Presidents and Civil Disorder (1941) . Rossiter, C. L., Constitutional Dictatorship (1948) . Sherwood, R. E.,Roosevelt and Hopkins (1948) . Smith, W. H., History o f the Cabinet o f the United States (1925) . White, W. A., A Puritan in Babylon: The Story of Calvin Coolidge (1938 ) . VI. CONGRESS Bailey, S. K., and H. D. Samuel,Congress at Work (1952) . Burdette, F. L.,Filibustering in the Senate (1940) . Burns, J. W., Congress on Trial (1949) . Busbey, L. W., Uncle Joe Cannon (1927) . Chamberlain, L. H., The President, Congress, and Legislation (1946) . Dennison, E. E.,The Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1942) . Dimock, M. E.,Congressional Investigating Committees (1929 ). Finletter, T. K.,Can Representative Government Do the Job? (1945) . Galloway, G. B., The Legislative Process in Congress (1953 ) . Griffith, E . S., Congress: Its Contemporary Role (1951) . Gross, Bertram, The Legislative Struggle (1953 ) . Haynes, G. H., The Senate o f the United States (1938) . Heller, Robert, Strengthening the Congress (1945) . Johnson, J. E., Investigating Powers o f Congress (1951) . Kefauver, Estes, and Jack Levin, A Twentieth-Century Congress (1947) . Larsen, J. A.O.,Representative Government in Greek and Roman History (1955) . McCune, Wesley, The Farm Bloc (1943) . Matthews, Donald, United States Senators (1955) . Ogden, A. R., The Dies Committee (1943) . Riddick, F. M.,The United States Congress: Organization and Procedure (1949) . Rogers, L., The American Senate (1926) . Simpson, Alexander, A Treatise on Federal I mpeachments (1916) . Smith, T. V.,The Legislative Way o f Life (1940) . Steiner, G. Y., The Congressional Conference Committee (1950) . Voorhis, Jerry, Confessions o f a Congressman (1947). Walker, Harvey, The Legislative Process (1948). Westphal, A. C. F., The House Committee on Foreign Affairs (1942) . Wilson, H. J., Congress, Corruption, and Compromise (1951). Wilson, Woodrow, Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics (1885 ) Young, Roland, This Is Congress (1946) . VII. THE JUDICIAL BRANCH Beard, C. A., The Supreme Court and the Constitution (1938) . Berger, Morroe, Equality by Statute (1952) . Beveridge, A. J ., Life o f John. Marshall (1919) . Blaustein, A. P., and C. O. Porter, The American Lawyer (1954) . Boudin,L. B.,Government by Judiciary (1932) . Bowen, C. D.,Yankee from Olympus (1944) . Cahill, F. V., Judicial Legislation, a Study in American Legal Theory (1952) . Cardozo, Benjamin, The Nature o f the Judicial Process (1921) . Carr, R. K., Democracy and the Supreme Court (1936) . Corwin, E. S.,Constitutional Revolution, Ltd. (1941) . Cummings, H. S., and C. McFarland, Federal Justice (1937). Cushman, R. E. (ed.), Leading Constitutional Decisions (1955 ) . Dickinson, E. D., Law and Peace (1951) . Doob, L. W.,The Plans of Men (1940). Frank, Jerome, Courts on Trial (1949) . Frankfurter, Felix, Law and Politics (1939) . Freund,P. A.,On Understanding the Supreme Court (1949). Harris, R. J., The Judicial Power o f the United States (1940) . Heller, F. H.,The Sixth Amendment (1951) . Hendel, Samuel, Charles Evans Hughes and the Supreme Court (1951) . Johnson, A. W., and F. H. Yost, Separation of Church and State in the United States (1948) . Lowenthal, Max, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (1950) . MacKenzie, Findlay ( ed. ), Planned Society (1937) . Mason, A. T., and W. B. Beaney, American Constitutional Law (1954) . Matthews, J. M., The American Constitutional System (1940) . Morris, R. B.,Fair Trial (1952) . Peltason, Jack, Federal Courts in the Political Process (1955) . Pound, Roscoe, The Organization o f Courts (1940) . Pritchett, C. H., Civil Liberties and the Vinson Court (1954) . ----, The Roosevelt Court (1948). Rodell, Fred, Nine Men (1955) . Twiss, B. R., Lawyers and the Constitution (1942) . Umbreit, Kenneth, Our Eleven Chief Justices (1938) . Warren, Charles, Congress, the Constitution, and the Supreme Court (1935) . Wendell, Mitchell, Relations between the Federal and State Courts (1949) . Wright, B. F., Jr., The Contract Clause o f the Constitution (1938) . VIII. PUBLIC POLICY AND ITS ADMINISTRATION American Assembly, The ( Columbia University ), The Federal Government Service: Its Character, Prestige and Problems (1955) . Appleby, P. H., Big Democracy (1945) . ----, Federal Regulatory Action and Control (1940) . ----, Morality and Administration in Democratic Government (1952) . Bortecou, Eleanor, The Federal Loyalty-Security Program (1953) . Charlesworth, J. C., Governmental Administration (1951) . Coker, F .W., Democracy, Liberty, and Property (1942) . Corson, J. J., Executives for the Federal Service (1952) . Fainsod, Merle, and Lincoln Gordon, Government and the American Economy (1948 ) . Fesler, J. W., Area and Administration (1949). Finer, Herman, The Road to Reaction (1945) . Frankfurter, Felix, The Public and Its Government (1930) . Friedrich, C. J., and others, Problems o f the American Public Service (1935) . Glueck, Sheldon ( ed. ), The Welfare State and the National Welfare (1952) . Graves, W. B., Public Administration in a Democratic Society (1950) . Hayek, F. A., The Road to Serfdom (1944). Herring, E. P.,PublicAdministration and thePublicInterest (1936). Hyneman, C. S., Bureaucracy in a Democracy (1950) . Millett, J. D.,Management in thePublicService (1954) . Millspaugh, A. C., Toward Efficient Democracy (1949) . Mises, Ludwig von, Omnipotent Government (1944). Natt, Milton, Employee Training in Public Service (1941) . Pfiffner, J. M., and R. V. Presthus, Public Administration (1953) . Redford, E. S., Administration o f National Economic Control (1952) . Reeves, F. W., and P. T. David, Personnel Administration in the Federal Government (1937) . Spero, Sterling, Government as Employer (1948) . Toner, Joseph, Educational Preparation for Public Administration (1948) . Wallace, Schuyler, Federal Departmentalization (1941) . White, L. D., Civil Service in Wartime (1945) . ----, Introduction to the Study of Public Administration (1956) . IX. NATIONAL FINANCES Abbott, C. C., The Federal Debt (1953) . Allen, E. D., and O. H. Brownlee, Economics o f Public Finance (1947) . Anshen, Melvin, and F. D. Wormuth, Private Enterprise and Public Policy (1954) . Bene,A. A., Jr.,The 20th Century Capitalist Revolution (1954) . Colin, Gerard, Essays in Public Finance and Fiscal Policy (1955) . Council of Economic Advisers, Report to the President ( annual) . Crockett, Joseph P., The Federal Tax System o f the United States: A Survey o f Law and Administration (1955) . D}mock, M. E.,Business and Government (1949). Douglas, P. H.,Economy in the National Government (1952 ). Foster, M. B., and R. Roger, Money and Banking (1947) . Groves, H. M.,Financing Government (1954) . Hansen, A. H., Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy (1949) . Kaplan, A. D.H.,Big Enterprise in a Competitive System (1954 ) . Murad, Anatol, Private Credit and Public Debt (1954) . Nourse, E. G., Economics in the Public Service (1953) . Paul, R. E., Taxation in the United States (1954) . Smith, H. D., The Management o f Your Government (1945) . United States Bureau of the Budget, The Federal Budget in Brief ( annual). Wector, Dixon, The Age o f the Great Depression, 1929-1941 (1948) . X. HUMAN AND NATURAL RESOURCES Baker, Gladys, The County Agent (1939) . Bernstein, Irving, Arbitration o f Wages (1954) . Duffus, R. L., and C. Krutch, The Valley and Its People: A Portrait of the T.V.A. (1944) . Fesler, J. W. (ed.), "Government and Water Resources," American Political Science Review, 44 (1950 ), 575-649. Finer, Herman,TheT.V.A.:Lessons for International Application (1944) . Gagliardo, Domenico, American Social Insurance (1949 ) . Ginzberg, Eli, The Labor Leader . (1948) . Guliek, L. H.,American Forest Policy: A Study o f Government Administration and Economic Control (1951). Gustafson, A. F., and others,Conservation in the United States (1949). Handlin, Oscar, The American People in the 20th Century (1954) . Hopkins, W. S., Labor in the American Economy (1948) . Hutt, W. H.,The Theoryo fCollective Bargaining (1954) . Lauterbach, Albert, Man, Motives, and Money: Psychological Frontiers o f Economics (1954) . Leek, J. H.,Government and Labor in the United States (1952) . Lilienthal, David, T.V.A.-Democracy on the March (1944) . Lindblom, C. E., Unions and Capitalism (1949) . Maas, A., Muddy Waters: The Army Engineers and the Nation's Rivers (1951) . McKinley, Charles, Uncle Sam in the Pacific Northwest (1952) . McLendon, S. G., History o f the Public Domain o f Georgia (1924) . McNaughton, W. L., and Joseph Lazar,Industrial Relations and the Government (1954). Means, J. H.,Doctors, People, and Government (1953) . Metz, H. W., Labor Policy o f the Federal Government (1945) . Mills, C. W., The New Men o f Power (1948) . Osborn, Fairfield, Our Plundered Planet (1948 ) . Pinchot, Gifford, Breaking New Ground (1947) . Potter, D. M ., People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and the American Character (1954). Pritchett, C. H., The Tennessee Valley Authority (1943) . Reynolds, L. G.,Labor Economics and Labor Relations (1954) . Robbins, R. M., Our Landed Heritage: The Public Domain, 1776-1936 (1942) . Sears, P. B., Deserts on the March (1947). Selznick, Philip, TVA and the Grass Roots (1949) . Sufrin, S. C., and R. C. Sedgwick,Labor Law (1954) . Taft, Philip, The Structure and Government of Labor Unions (1954) . Timmons, J. F., and W. G. Murray ( eds. ),Land Problems and Policies (1950 ). Warner, C. E., and others, Labor in Postwar America (1949) . Wengert, Norman, Natural Resources and the Political Struggle (1955) . Windmuller, J. P., American Labor and the International Labor Movement, 1940 to 1953 (1954) . XI. COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE GOVERNMENT Adams, Walter, and Horace M. Gray, Monopoly in America (1955). Anshen, i's'lelvin, and F . D. Wormuth, Private Enterprise and Public Policy (1954 ) . Baker, Gladys, The County Agent (1939) . Bernstein, Marver H., Regulating Business b y Independent Commission (1955) . Black, J. D.,Introduction to Economics for Agriculture (1953) . Clapp, Gordon R., The TVA: An Approach to the Development of a Region (1955) . Commission on Foreign Economic Policy, Report to the President (1954). Corwin, E. S., The Commerce Power versus State's Rights (1936) . Dewhurst, J. F., and Associates, America's Needs and Resources: A New Survey (1955) . Dirlam, J. B., and A. E. Kahn, Fair Competition (1954). Galbraith, J. K.,American Capitalism (1952) . Gaus, John, and Leon Wolcott, Public Administration and the United States Department o f Agriculture (1941) . Hardin, Charles, The Politics o f Agriculture (1952) . Isard, Walter, and Vincent Whitney, Atomic Power: An Economic and Social Analysis (1955). Kaplan, A. D.H., Big Enterprise in a Competitive System (1954) . Latham, Earl, The Group Basis o f Politics, a Study in Basing-Point Legislation (1952) . Lilienthal, David, Big Business, A New Era (1953) . Lindblom, Charles, Unions and Capitalism (1949). Locklin,D. P., Economics o f Transportation (1954) . McConnell, Grant, The Decline of Agrarian Democracy (1953). Hillis, Harry, and Royal Montgomery, Organized Labor (1954) . Papandreou, A. G., and J. T. Wheeler, Competition and Its Regulation (1954) . Redford, E. S.,Administration o f National Economic Control (1952) . Schultz,T. W., Agriculture in an Unstable Economy (1945) . Steiner, G. A., Government's Role i n Economic Life (1953). Wilcox, Clair, Public Policies toward Business (1955) . Wilson, G. L., and L. A. Bryan, Air Transportation (1949) . XII. NATIONAL SECURITY AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS Allen, H. C., Great Britain and the United States: A History of Anglo-American Relations (1783-1952) (1954) . Aycock, W. B., and S. W. Wurfel, Military Law under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (1955) . Bailey, T. A., A Diplomatic History o f the American People (1950) . Barker, A. W., Foreign Policies o f the United States (1954) . Beanler, W. L.,Career Ambassador (1951) . Bingham, J. B.,Shirt-Sleeve Diplomacy: Point Four in Action (1954 ). Bowles, Chester, Ambassador's Report (1954) . Brinton, Crane, From Many One (1948) . Brookings Institution, Governmental Mechanism for the Conduct o f U.S. Foreign Relations (1949). Brown, W. A., and R. Opie, American Foreign Assistance (1953) . Cheever, D. S., and H. F. Haviland, Organizing for Peace (1954 ) . Childs, J. R., American Foreign Service (1948). Commission to Frame a World Constitution, Preliminary Draft o f a World Constitution (1953) . Corwin, E. S., Total War and the Constitution (1947) . Dangerfield, R. J., In Defense of the Senate, A Study in Treaty Making (1933) . Dunn, F. S., and others, The Absolute Weapon: Atomic Power and World Order (1946) . Finletter, T. K., Power and Policy (1954) . Guerrant, E. O.,Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy (1950) . ----, Modern American Diplomacy (1954) . Harris, J. P.,The Advice and Consent of the Senate (1953 ). Hart, A. G.,Defense and the Dollar: Federal Credit and Monetary Policies (1953) . Hull, Cordell, Memoirs (1948) . Huszar, G. B. de, and Associates, Soviet Power and Policy (1955) . Huzar, Elias, The Purse and the Sword; Control of the Army by Congress through Military Appropriations, 1933-1950 (1950) . Jennings, D. H., Eugene Clark, and B. E. Grimes, Goals o f American Foreign Policy (1955) . Jessup, Philip, Elihu Root (1938) . Kelsen, Hans, The Law o f the United Nations (1950). Kennan, G. F.,American Diplomacy, 1900-1950 (1951) . ----, Realities o f American Foreign Policy (1954) . Kerwin, J. G. (ed. ), Civil Military Relationships in American Life (1948). Lasswell, H. D., National Security and Individual Freedom (1950) . Levi, Werner, Fundamentals o f World Organization (1950) . Liddell Hart, B. H., Strategy (1954). Lincoln, G. A., W. S. Stone, and T. H. Harvey (eds. ), Economics of National Security (1950) . Lissitzyn, O. T., The International Court o f Justice (1951) . London, Kurt, How Foreign Policy Is Made (1950). McCamy, J. L.,The Administration o f American Foreign Affairs (1950) . McKinley, S. B.,Democracy and Military Power (1934) . Mangione, G. J., A Short History of International Organization (1954) . Marshall, C. B., The Limits o f Foreign Policy (1954) . Osgood, R. 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L., and McGeorge Bundy,OnActive Service in Peace and War(1947) . Strausz-Hupé, Robert, and Stefan Possony, International Relations (1954 ). Stuart, G. H.,The Department o f State(1949) . Van Alstyne, R. W.,American Diplomacy in Action(1947) . Wallace, Donald, Economic Controls and Defense (1953) . Walters, F. P., A History o f the League o f Nations (1952) . Westerfield, H. B.,Foreign Policy and Party Politics: Pearl Harbor to Korea (1955). Wright, Quincy, The Control o f American Foreign Relations (1922). ----, A Study o f War (1942) . ----, The World Community (1948) . XIII. FOUNDATIONS OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT American Assembly, The, The Forty-Eight States (1955). Anderson, William, The Nation and the States, Rivals or Partners? (1955 ) . Beils,Carleton,The Story of Huey P. Long(1935) . Bebout, John, The Making o f the New Jersey Constitution (1945) . Bowie, Robert R., and Carl Friedrich, Studies in Federalism (1954) . Council of State Governments, Federal Grants-in-Aid (1949) . ----, State-Local Relations (1946). Fordham, Jefferson B., A Larger Concept o f Community (1956) . Kallenbaeh, Joseph E., Federal Cooperation with the States under the Commerce Clause (1942). Key, V. O., Jr ., Southern Politics in State and Nation (1949) . MacMahon, Arthur W. (ed. ), Federalism, Mature and Emergent (1955 ) . i\'IcKean, Dayton D., Pressures on the Legislature o f New Jersey (1938) . Morlan, Robert ( ed. ), Capitol, Courthouse and City Hall: Readings in American State and Local Government (1954). Moscow, Warren, Politics in the Empire State (1948). New York State Constitutional Convention Committee, Report: Problems Relating to Home Rule and Local Government (1938) . O'Rourke, Vernon A., and Douglas W. Campbell, Constitution-Making in a Democracy (1943) . Peel, Roy V., State Government Today (1948) . Phillips, J. C., State and Local Government in America (1954). Shambaugh, B. F., The Constitution o f Iowa (1934) . Sikes, P. S. and J. E. Stoner, Bates and Field's State Government (1954) . Sturm,A. L.,Methods o f State Constitutional Reform (1954). United States Senate, Federal, State, and Local Government Fiscal Relations, Senate Document No. 69, 78th Cong., 1st Sess. (1943). Warren, Roland L., Studying Your Community (1955). Zeller, Belle, Pressure Politics in New York (1937) . Zink, Harold, City Bosses in the United States; a Study of Twenty Municipal Bosses (1930) . XIV. STRUCTURE OF STATE GOVERNMENT Borchard, EdwinM.,Declaratory Judgments (1941) . Buehler, Ezra C. (ed.), Unicameral Legislatures (1937) . Council of State Governments, Our State Legislatures (1948) . Crouch, Winston W., The Initiative and Referendum in California (1950) . ----, and Dean E. McHenry, California Government: Politics and Administration (1949) . Dodd, Walter F., and Sue H. Dodd, Government in Illinois (1923) . Donnelly, ThomasC.,The GovernmentofNew Mexico (1947) . Farmer, Hallie, The Legislative Process in Alabama: Legislative Apportionment (1944) . ----, Local and Private Legislation (1944). ----, Standing Committees (1945) . ----, Recess and Interim Committees (1946 ) . ----, Legislative Costs (1947) . Garst, Doris S ., The Story of Wyoming and its Constitution and Government (1938) . Graves, W. Brooke, American State Government (1953) . Gray, Robert A., and Florence R . Tryon, The Government of Florida (1941) . Hannan, W. E., and M. B. Csontos, State Court Systems (1940) . Holloway, W. W., and C. W. Smith, Jr., Government and Politics in Alabama (1941) Irwin, LeonardB., New Jersey; the State and Its Government (1948) . Johnson, Samuel A., Missouri; the State and Its Government (1943) . Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., and Chamberlin, William C., The Government of New Hamp shire (1939). Kise, Joseph, and George B . Sjoselius, Minnesota; the State and Its Government (1951) . Lepawsky, Albert, Judicial Systems o f Metropolitan Chicago (1932) . Lipson, Leslie, The American Governor (1939) . MacDonald, Austin F., American State Government and Administration (1955) . Neuberger, Richard, Adventures in Politics: We Go to the Legislature (1954) . Patterson, C. P., and others, State and Local Government in Texas (1948) . Patterson, R. F.,The Office of Lieutenant Governor in the United States (1944) . Peel, RoyV., State Government Today (1948). Perkins, John A., The Role of the Governor of Michigan in the Enactment of Appropria tions (1943) . Pigeon, Helen D., Probation and Parole in Theory and Practice (1942) . Plaisted, JohnW., Legislative Procedure in the General Court ofMassachusetts (1948). Pound, Roscoe, Criminal Justice in America (1930) . Ransone, Coleman B., Jr., The Once of Governor in the South (1951) . Ruscowski, CasimirW., The Constitutional Governor (1943) . Sanders, Wiley B., The Juvenile Courts o f North Carolina (1948 ) . Scace, Homer E., The Organization o f the Executive Office o f the Governor (1950) . Sikes, Pressly, Indiana State and Local Government (1946) . Talbott, Forrest, Intergovernmental Relations and the Courts (1950) . United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Standards for Specialized Courts Dealing with Children (1954) . Vanderbilt, Arthur T. (ed. ), Minimum Standards o f Judicial Administration (1949) . Walker, R. A., and Floyd Cave, How California is Governed (1953) . Warren, George, Traffic Courts (1942) . Winfield, Charles H., The Grand Jury (1928 ) . Zeller, Belle ( ed. ), American State Legislatures (1954) . XV. STRUCTURE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT Adrian, Charles R., Governing Urban America: Structure, Politics, and Administration (1955). Allen, Robert S. (ed.),Our Fair City (1947). Anderson, William, and E. W. Weidner, American City Government (1950) . Barclay, Thomas S.,The Movement for Municipal Home Rule in St. Louis (1943) . Bromage, Arthur W., Introduction to Municipal Government and Administration (1950) . Council of State Governments, The States and the Metropolitan Problem (1956). Griffith, Ernest S ., History o f American City Government (1938) . Hughes, Melvin C., County Government in Georgia (1944). Jones, Victor, Metropolitan Government (1942) . Kneier, Charles M., City Government in the United States (1947) . Lancaster, LaneW., Government in Rural America (1952) . MacCorkle, Stuart A., American Municipal Government and Administration (1948) . ----, State Financial Control over Cities in Texas (1937) . ----, and Wilfred D. Webb, Forms o f Local Government (1948). MacDonald, Austin F., American City Government and Administration (1956) . Mott, Rodney L., Home Rule for America's Cities (1949) . Mumford, Lewis, The Culture o f Cities (1938) . Pontius, Dale, State Supervision of Local Government; Its Development in Massachusetts (1942) . Robson, W. A., Great Cities o f the World (1955). Schulz, Ernst B., American City Government (1949) . Shaw, Frederick, The History o f the New York City Legislature (1954) . Snider, Clyde F., County Government in Illinois (1943) . Spicer, G.W., Ten Years o f County Manager Government in Virginia (1945) . Wager, Paul W. (ed. ), County Government Across the Nation (1950) . Wallace, Schuyler, State Administrative Supervision Over Cities in the United States (1928). Woodbury, Coleman (ed. ), The Future o f Cities and Urban Redevelopment (1953) . ----, Urban Redevelopment; Problems and Practices (1953) . Works, George A., and Simon O. Lesser,Rural America Today (1942) . Zink, Harold, Government o f Cities in the United States (1948) . XVI. STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS Ball, Carleton R., Federal, State and Local Administrative Relationships in Agriculture (1938) . Baum, Robert D., The Federal Power Commission and State Utility Regulation (1942) . Beach, Fred F., The Functions o f State Departments o f Education (1950) . Beckwith, Edmund R., and others, Lawful Action o f State Military Forces (1944) . Bird, Frederick L ., A Study o f the Port o f New York Authority (1949) . Blakey, Roy G., and Violet Johnson, Sales Taxes and Other Excises (1945) . Bollens, John C., Administrative Organization o f State Government in Michigan, Bulletin No. 5 (1936) . Buck, A. E.,The Reorganization o f State Governments in the United States (1938). Buehler, Alfred G ., Public Finance (1948) . Carpenter, W. S., The Unfinished Business o f Civil Service Reform (1952) . Council of State Governments, Securities Regulation in the Forty-eight States (1942) . ----, The Forty-eight State School Systems (1949) . ----, Reorganizing State Government (1950) . ----, Higher Education in the Forty-eight States (1952) . ----, Public Authorities in the States (1953) . Crouch, WinstonW., State Aid to Local Government in California (1939) . Fesler, J.W., The Independence o f State Regulatory Agencies (1942) . Gagliardo, Domenico, American Social Insurance (1949) . Greene, Lee S., and others, Rescued Earth: A Study of the Administration of Natural Resources in Tennessee (1948) . Hardin, C. M., Freedom in Agricultural Education (1955) . Hiscock, I. V., Community Health Organization (1950) . International City Managers' Association, Municipal Finance Administration (1949) . Keesecker, WardW., State Boards o f Education and Chief State School Officers (1950) . Killingsworth, CharlesC., State Labor Relations Acts (1948) . Kilpatrick, Wylie, State Supervision o f Local Budgeting (1939) . ----, State Supervision o f Local Finance (1941) . Martin, Roscoe C., The Growth o f State Administration in Alabama (1942) . Meriam, Lewis, Relief and Social Security (1946) . Monroe, Davd G., State and Provincial Police (1941) . ì'vlustard, H. S., Government in Public Health (1945) . Owen, Wilfred, Automotive Transportation (1949). Paul, Randolph E., Taxation in the United States (1954) . Pois, Joseph, Edward M. Martin, and Lyman S. Moore, The Merit System in Illinois(1935). Porter, Kirk H ., State Administration (1938) . Schneider, David M ., and Albert Deutsch, The History of Public Welfare in New York State (1938-1941). Shavely, Tipton Ray, Duncan Clarke Hyde, and Alvin Blocksom Biscoe, State Grants-in- Aid in Virginia (1933) . Sigafoos, Robert A., The Municipal Income Tax (1955). Smillie, W. G., Public Health Administration in the United States (1947). Smith, Bruce, Police Systems in the United States (1949) . Stern, Bernhard J., Medical Services by Government-Local, State and Federal (1946) . Stevenson, Marietta, and Alice MacDonald, State and Local Public Welfare Agencies (1939) . Stout, Randall S., Recent Trends in State Grants-in-Aid and Shared Taxes (1948) . Sundelson, J. Wilner, Budgetary Methods in National and State Governments (1938) . Tax Foundation, Inc., Constitutional Debt Control in the States (1954) . Vollmer, August, The Criminal (1949) . ----,and A. E. Parker,Crime and the State Police (1935). Wagner, Paul, and Donald B. Hayman, Resource Management in North Carolina (1947) . Wilson, Orlando W., Police Administration (1950) .